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This blog was opened by Nisha to accomodate Nisha's mindless musings and daily rantings.Do enjoy your stay here, and don't take what's not yours! tagboard
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![]() niece: alaa, kakak nak hari nii.. heee~ kakak buat umi lemah la! skrg jgk umi nak siap, gi sana. =D guys, will be away for a week. dun miss me eh! ehee~ imissyoutoo somuch.. Happy Birthday To My Dearest Abg Ayam! sorry sgt3.. adik btol2 tak tahu nari bday abg.. *tak guna pnya adik! heee* wish u happiness now n forever... thanks bro, sbb selalu buat adik ketawa~ hehe! ily !! =D ![]() lately ni, asek makan je. bila happy, makan. sedih, makan. tgh stress pon makan jgk.. takde istilah makan tak lalu bagi Nisha HAHA! cumasatujeygNishanaktahu. namaNishamasihadatakdalam hatiawak..? ![]() You Are My Sunshine My only sunshine. You make me happy When skies are grey. You'll never know, dear How much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away~ meraba-raba sey type dalam gelap. hee~ ujan la beb! nk bukak lampu, malas~ =D be strong, girl~
rasamcmnkjeritkuat2.. mcmnkpergijauh2.. pernahtkfikirapaygNisharasa? ineedsomeonetotalkto.. &ineedyou.. reallyneedyourightnow.. but..
:( UR CHARACTER MAYB LIKE THIS: Skillful and a pleasant personality. Very calm and friendly. A person who is aware and ensures tidiness and cleanliness. A very hardworking person and matured in thoughts. Usually mixes with others who are older. He/She listens to what others say but may not follow the advice given. Given a task, this person has the ability to direct. This person is usually good at P.R. work. Achievement in life is after the age of 45. The other bad side would be, the person attracts a lot of 'bad-mouthing'. This person, too, loves to carry tales. A very stubborn person at times. * btol la tuu.. heh! UR TRAITS OF INDIVIDUALS :Independent, attract backstabbers, do things in half-hearted manner...Involve with business or career that requires the individual to work alone...Commanding, hurt others' feeling without realising it...Extremely emotional, very aggressive, very impatient...Pressure from family in early childhood days; busy talking with no goals in mind...Your business are all short term business. Goes round in circle searching for the right business... * heeeeeeeeeeeeee~ UR SICKNESS (EITHER ONE/TWO OF THE FOLLOWINGS ):Liver/gallbladder problems, Anger/complete absence of it, Impatience/easily frustrated, Eye problems, Problems with equilibrium/coordination, Tendon problems, Lack of flexibilty/stiffness, Tension cramps, especially in the shoulders, Muscle spasms, Bitter taste in mouth, Irregular menses...Stomach/pancreas/spleen problems, Immune system problems, Digestive problems, gas/belching, Lack of absorption, Lymphatic problems, Loose bowels, Anemia, Hemorrhoids, Overweight or under weight, Inability to receive nutrient... * jauhkan la dr penyakit2 nii~ UR SUITABLE CAREER :Food, Restaurant, News, Magazine, Telecommunication, Air Freight, Oil & Gas, Power Plant, Power Cable, Fuel, Cosmetic, Branding, Public Relation, Advertising, Man Power, Fast Food, Canteen, Fashion, Lighting, Department Store, Clothing Accessories, Weaponry, Hot Drinks, Designer, Writer, Movie Maker, Nurse, Fund Raiser, Receptionist, Psychologist... * designer kape?? =p receptionist mcm da pernah jadi jee~ hehs! psychologist? wow! bestnyaa! =DD ____ thanks to kak M heeee! =D
09nov2008 my 2nd cousin, fazli kawin heeee~ xcited tau dpt jumpa sedara! =D ![]() yg 1st video, my brader silat~ dpt merasakan kesedihannya.. :( __ k, tk tahu la nk update apa~ boring ahh! hmph~ mcmana bley ada perasaan ni eh?
TA DAA! terkejut berok sjap! sbb nmpk ramai bdk airport, abg2 engineer! ;) mati2 ingatkan abg S ku kawin.. tp, nasib baik bukan dia.. org lain.. hehehe~ klw tak, patah hati seyy.. opps! ah, org bawah ni dr tadi nyanyi lagu lama2.. sakit sey telinga. suara klw sdap, tkpe jgk~ =p imy.. ily~ :)