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This blog was opened by Nisha to accomodate Nisha's mindless musings and daily rantings.Do enjoy your stay here, and don't take what's not yours! tagboard
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pnya la malu gler dgn abgS.. ni gara2 cicak ah! grr~ *meh la abg hantar, da nk maghrib nii* apsal la dia macho-cute-hensem-baik-menggoda sgt ni! enuff nisha!! kalau rasa tk yakin, jgn kasi harapan kat org ah~ boooo u! bye 2008! bye memories! hello 2009! =D
tagged by Anisah A) People who have been tagged must write their answers in their blog. B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz. (Those that are tagged cannot refuse.) C) Continue this game by tagging 8 other people. 1. YOU 2. YOU 3. YOU 4. YOU 5. YOU 6. YOU 7. YOU 8. YOU =D 1.What have you been doing recently? - homework, chatting n eating. 2.Do you ever turn your cell phone off? - yeah 3.What happened at 10am today? - dreamland ;) 4.When did you last cry? - just nw 5.Believe in fate/destiny? - yup! 6.What do you want in your life now? - i want.. YOU! haha~ 7.Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or just put up your hood? - tk kuasanya akuuu~ 8.What's your favourite thing to do on the bed? - duhh~ 9.What bottoms are you wearing now? - apsal kepo?? 10.What's the nicest things in your inbox? - :) 11.Do you tend to make the relationship complicated? - nope~ 12.Are you wearing anything borrowed from anyone? - nahh~ 13.What was the last movie you caught? - tk ingat seyy~ 14.What are you proud of? - proud of myself, can?? 15.What does the oldest text msg in your inbox say? - "gatal, letak ckp tk letak eh, biasa eh, jgn lupa lah" frm bigbro. haha! 16.What was the last song you sang out loud? - apa eh? lupa laa.. 17.Do you have any nicknames? - yup yup! nk tahu? bluek! =p 18.What does the newest text say? - "ohk.." 19.What time did you go to bed last night? - 4am 20.Are you currently happy? - hmm, yeah. mayb. 21.Who gives you the best advise? - dearest family n bestest sygs 22.Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can? - erk.. 23.Who did you talk on the phone last night? - Yanti, kwn BMC 24.Is something bugging you now? - 0_o 25.Who was the last person to make you laugh? - mere abgS.. HAHAHA! shut up nisha! amcm 1st day? hamdan lillah, smuanya ok. :) naseb tak mcm bdk selenge. ahaks! thanks to abg officer cina. ;) smpi je, pegi ofis, jumpa abg officer cina ni. dia kasi meterial, time-table, bla bla. pastu dia terangkan smua. abg ni baik tau.. dia tunjukkan mana tmpt nk tgk class. den dia tunjukkan mana class. baik eh? hehe~ sbb tu la nisha tak mcm bdk selenge 1st day. ahaks!! klw kena dgn officer lain, dorg tk tunjukkan pon. nisha smpi dgn 1 bdk nii.. my new fren. =DD kita duduk sesama, blaja sesama, beli air sesama, gi toilet sesama, blek sesama. cute kan? weeeeeeeee~ so far smuanya ok la.. cuma 1st time blaja book-keeping, jadi mcm ter-blur n ter-nganga2 jap. oh yar, my lecturer pon ok jgk.. :) im e only malay/muslim in class. my nxt class is on tues. dis thurs n nxt thurs public holiday kan. january class dr mon to fri. cnfrm da busy nnt.. da tk dpt nk enjoy2 sgt.. hmm~ yesterday bebual dgn my sis kt phone. dia kol dlm kul 11pm. terkejut jgk, tk pernah2 dia kol mlm2 buta.. kita story2.. mcm2 sey.. cerita pasal dulu2.. ahaks! klaka sgt.. nisha dulu dimanjakan oleh mak. my late mum tk kasi buat apa2 keje pon. slalu yg kena my sis. best eh dimanjakan?? ;p cerita2 pasal baba. dulu pon nisha manja dgn baba. lps mak meninggal, nisha tak dgr ckp kakak *perangai eh* bila kakak critekan smlm, nisha da kekek2 sey ketawa. non-stop pnya ketawa. mcm klaka gitu zaman dulu2.. satu2 ada perangai masing2.. tp skrg sejak dorg da kawin. masing2 da berubah.. from bad to gd. ahaks! nisha pon sama, frm bdk baik to bdk mentel. ;) talk to my sis smpi 1pagi sey.. buang tebiat kita nii~ ahaks! org bebual dgn matae mlm2 buta. aku bebual dgn kakak.. =D i love my family so much~ *klw ada org buli family aku, aku tk agak2 nk pecahkan kepala dia* rindu ah zaman dulu.. nisha masih nk jadi anak n adik yg dimanjakan.. ehee! today will be going to uma my sis @ cck. tido sana rasanya.. u guys tkcr k. dun miss me ;)
HAPPY 27TH BIRTHDAY, DAS! missing u, dude! lama tak nmpk, bebual, kacau-mengacau n tgk bulan sesama! ahaks! =D lg 3jam! back to sch~
yesterday pegi melawat dgn my sis. ibu pnya anak meninggal. accident motor. kesian sey. kawin baru 4bulan. and dia tgh mengandung 3bulan. haiz~ Allah lebih sygkan dia. hubby dia plak patah kaki. kesian laa~ :( *al-Fatihah* 1 hari lg!! fuhyoo~ terasa keseramannya.. tkpe nisha, u can do it!! yeah! =D guys, doa for me aite. tenkiuu~ semoga Allah membalas jasa baik kamu.. heheheh! r u ready, Nisha? NOO~ erk, yes kott! k dah, nisha mrepek =D kadang bila tgk org jalan dgn mak masing2, jeles rasanya.. =
spaghetti mak Nisha~ yummy! thanks sis!! =D smlm smpi rumah je, msok bilik tros ternmpk my new 'boyfie' terkejut+happy+excited ahaks! thanks bigbro! i will love n treasure u, 'boyfie'! ;) sedap plak muruku ikan nii~ hehe! wow~ mcm dah lama gitu tak update.. heee~ tkde benda nk update.. *iyeke?* Tabby da makin nakal skrg! nisha pon da makin tkot dgn dia~ ahaks! apa taknya, asek nk terkejutkan org je.. naseb takde heart attack. hmph! dgn abg n kak ipar dia tk buat mcm gitu plak.. dgn nisha je.. dia terkejutkan dgn sergahan, terjunan n terkaman. hehehe! 5 hari lg! sudahkah anda bersedia, Nisha?? tmr wil be going to rumah kakak kat hougang.. masa tu kakak tnya.. "nisha nk mkn apa? apa yg nisha da lama tk mkn?" untung dpt kakak2 mcm nii.. klw gi rumah kakak kt cck pon sama.. mesti dia tnya.. "nisha nk mkn apa?" heheheh! i need an explanation~ ily ! ;)
^_^ my sunshine! u make me happy when skies r grey! =) tak sama kan, kan, kan? hehh~ sis, thanks 4 everything! kamu terlalu byk bersabar dgn adik kamu yg nakal, tak dgr kata, byk main, miang nii.. =p terima kasih atas nasihat kalian. lps mak pergi, bagiku, kamu la mak. nisha terlalu syg pada kamu berdua. dan tak lupa, abg2 ku juga! n my dearest baba bidin! *argh! ter-emosi plak. tsk tsk* :( Happy 18th Birthday, Muhd Sharir Bin Abdul Yazed! =DD wahh, da 18 nmpk!! =p
home sweet home! heeeeeeee~ my lil darling solat~ heh! |